I. Membership shall be open to qualified firms engaged as general contractors* in commercial, industrial, renewable, or heavy construction that meet the following criteria. a. Member companies shall only be companies that are predominately General Contractors employing both direct hire and subcontractors** to facilitate work. b.Companies that are owned, operated, or functioning under a parent company and do not have independent safety policies, processes and procedures are not eligible for membership. If there is an extenuating circumstance, it is up to the executive team to determine and approve eligibility. The intent is to have the most senior entity of the parent company that leads EH&S seeking membership. c.Have a minimum of one thousand (1000) or more employees on average within the company or construction support services, domestically. d.A letter, submitted by the proposed member company, written by the senior executive, demonstrating their commitment to the safety executive’s participation in the committee and their support for active involvement within the NCSE. The letter must be submitted to the Chairperson prior to voting in the full committee on the proposed membership. e.Pay an annual meeting fee as determined by the membership due January 1 of each year, to the treasurer, and must be received not later than February 15 of each year. f.Members may bring a company staff member as a guest for career development purposes and/or to give a presentation to the group. Member guests who present to the committee on a particular subject approved by the executive committee will not be charged a meeting attendance fee. Guests who do not give a presentation will be charged a meeting attendance fee of $1,000.00. Guest fees shall be paid to the Treasurer within 45 days after attendance. There will be a limit of two guest presentations per meeting unless the executive committee deems it relevant and appropriate to the meeting.
II.Continuation of membership will be premised upon: a.Active participation of the senior safety executive. If this person is unable to attend the organization’s semiannual meeting, another senior staff member with the authority to speak on behalf of the company may be delegated to attend. If the senior safety executive or their designee misses two consecutive meetings, the company’s membership may be terminated. b.The senior safety executive attends the business portion of the meeting and is the voting member of the committee. If a Senior staff member is attending in the absence of the Executive member, they will be excused from the business portion of the meeting. c.Non-participation and payment of annual meeting fees. The final decision regarding the termination of a membership shall be by at least 75% concurrence vote from the members. . III.The organization shall hold semiannual meetings at locations approved by the membership.
IV.Nomination of prospective new members will be made by a sponsoring member to the committee. Membership shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee to ensure conformity with membership guidelines and to ensure there is an equal mix of different construction entities such as commercial, industrial, renewable, heavy industrial or specialty construction. No more than four prospective members may be invited to any meeting. At no time shall the safety executive membership exceed 30 members.
V.Each new member shall provide to the committee a short presentation introducing themselves and their company. The committee shall evaluate the benefit of the person and company to the committee and their ability to participate and uphold the principles of the charter. The proposed member must receive at least 75% concurrence vote from the voting members present to be accepted into the committee. Although the membership is by company, any changes to the company representative (change in the lead safety executive), the safety executive representing the company must update their membership and submit a new letter as noted in section D. above. The new safety executive shall give a short presentation as noted above and must receive at least 75% concurrence vote from the voting membership.
VI.Special membership for construction firms, which do not otherwise meet the membership guidelines, may be recommended by the membership if in the opinion of the executive committee, the special membership will provide experience, expertise or favorable geographic representation for the benefit of the group. Non-general contractors, such as vendors, salespersons, subcontractors*, clients, educators, or construction support services shall not be eligible for membership.
VII.NCSE recognizes the contribution of certain individuals who have held NCSE membership in the past, but who do not otherwise meet the membership requirements as outlined in Charter Section I.
Honorary/Emeritus Membership is based on the following criteria: A.Honorary Membership:
Must have been an Executive committee/Board member in the past, made a significant contribution to the group through participation and attendance; and is still employed in construction, as noted above in section I and continues to perform safety-related activities within the construction industry.
Former members that are no longer actively working in the construction industry or are employed by clients, vendors, subcontractors* or non-direct construction activities are not eligible for membership except as noted in A-3 below, however these individuals may be invited as a guest under the guest provisions in section C. Past members that are employed in sales/trade partnerships/subcontractors* shall be invited to participate in meetings as approved guests only and will not be eligible for Honorary membership.
Honorary membership may be granted to an individual not currently in the construction field as noted in A-2 above, if the former member was an elected member of the executive board at some point during their active membership and remains in good standing as decided by the executive committee.
Honorary membership must be nominated by a current member and will only be accepted by the organization on a 75% concurrence vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Membership will be reviewed every year as directed by the Chairperson. With payment of the annual meeting fees and continued interest and participation, the membership may continue.
Elected Honorary members will be able to attend business meetings but will not have voting privileges.
*Subcontractor is defined as more than 51% of their work is contracted under a General Contractor.
B. Emeritus Member:
A past NCSE member who retires and is no longer employed in the profession and made significant contributions to the group. He/she must also meet criteria A.2. above, and will not have voting privileges.
The membership will be reviewed as in A.3. above, except for the payment of fees.
If an Emeritus Member is a non-participant for a period of two years, their membership may be stricken from the roles. Former Emeritus members are always welcome and may attend meetings if requested and approved by the Executive Committee.
C. Guests:
One type of guest is defined as a company staff member that an NCSE member may choose to invite for career development purposes and/or to give a presentation to the group.
The other category of guest is defined as vendors, clients, subcontractors, trade partners, owners, and non-direct construction personnel and experts/educators in a special field, along with Government entities. These guests are welcome to attend under the following guidelines:
There shall be a limited number of guests invited so as to not burden the accommodations planned.
The Guest is recommended by a current member to the executive committee and approved by the executive committee at least one month prior to the scheduled meeting.
A meeting attendance fee shall be paid, no later than 45 days after the meeting, to the treasurer in the amount of $1,000.00. The fee may be waived if the guest makes a presentation to the committee on a particular subject approved by the executive committee.
Recurring Guests shall not make more than one presentation per calendar year.
Guest presentations will be limited to two per meeting. Note that preference for presentations will be given to guests who are attending on behalf of a member company first.
Opportunities for presentations by guests should be presented to the Executive Committee to decide if they are relevant to the meeting and select (if there are more than two) who will be given the opportunity to present.
Guests cannot attend business meetings or vote.
VIII. By vote at the election meeting, the membership shall elect the Executive Committee, whose term of office shall be for 2 years commencing January
Positions on the Executive Committee are to be filled every two years:
Vice Chairperson
Meeting/Location Coordinator
Prior to the fall meeting, the incumbent Chairperson shall review from the membership their individual nominations for each of the five positions on the Executive Committee. Of those nominees, the two members receiving the most nominations shall be voted on by the membership. The incumbent Chairperson shall be responsible for conducting the election and counting the votes. The election shall be by majority vote of the members in attendance at the fall meeting.
All Executive Committee positions are for two-year terms. In case a member cannot continue as an Executive Committee member, a replacement for the remainder of the term will be appointed by the Chairperson.
IX. Each member shall have one vote in the conduct of affairs of the organization.
* A general contractor (GC) or main/prime contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight and overall coordination of a construction site/project, management of vendors, trades or sub trades, and the communication of information to all involved parties throughout the course of a project. A GC can also be considered a construction manager that is contracted directly with the client/owner.
** A Subcontractor/ Trade Partner is defined as a business that carries out work for a company as part of a larger project. Additionally, more than 51% of their work is contracted under a GC or CM.